Health and medical Information

Medical Forms


Children who are unwell are unable to enjoy school and if they attend they run the risk of spreading illness. Please keep your child at home if they are unwell and notify the school of their absence.

Please inform the school if your child has a contagious or infectious disease. Click here to access the Directorate's Disease Exclusion Periods.

Sick bay, first aid and ambulance transportation

If a child becomes unwell at school, he or she will be admitted to the sick bay and if necessary a parent will be contacted. Parents are notified immediately if a child has a serious accident at school. Trained first aid officers will administer first aid treatment if required.

Children who are injured in a school accident during school hours are transported free of charge by the ACT Ambulance Service to an ACT public hospital. Parents and carers are reminded to check their health cover for ambulance transportation outside the ACT as charges may apply before and after school.

Management of medical conditions

The Directorate is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students. While school staff have a duty of care to students to provide first aid assistance when required, parents will be aware that schools cannot be responsible for the general management of medical conditions.

In special circumstances, staff may be able to assist with the administration of medication. In these cases, Directorate policy requires principals to ensure that a comprehensive written authority is obtained from the student’s parent or carer. They must also seek from them a written statement from the student’s doctor authorising a member of staff to administer the prescribed medication. Medications are stored securely in the sick bay.

We require you to complete the following forms for your child's medical needs while at school:

Medical Information and Consent form

You are asked to complete this form at the beginning of each school year to keep records up to date. The form asks for general medical information and consent for first aid and the administration of the authorised medications for life-threatening asthma (Ventolin) or anaphylaxis (adrenaline).

Known Medical Condition Response Plan

This is required for any student with a known medical condition. It provides instruction for the management of an identified medical condition (such as Diabetes, Asthma, Anaphylaxis or Epilepsy) and should be completed in consultation with the treating health professional.

Medication Authorisation and Administration Record

This must be completed and returned to the Front Office should medication be required to be administered at school. Medication must be clearly labelled and in its original packaging, with times for administration clearly stated.

Safety at Torrens

Potentially dangerous toys and equipment should not be brought to school. This includes toy weapons for news or play. The fixed playground equipment is not supervised by staff before or after school. Students should only use playground equipment at these times when a parent or carer can supervise them.

Students are supervised by teachers from 8.45am onwards. Students arriving earlier than 8.45am will be asked to sit on the benches at the front of the school. Students are to depart school at 3.15pm.

Head Lice

Head lice are extremely contagious, but a very normal part of school life and easily eradicated. You as parents and carers can assist in the prevention and management of head lice outbreaks at school with regular checks of your child’s hair. If your child does have head lice at school, you will be contacted to come and collect in order that treatment can be commenced. Should an infestation of head lice occur at school a general note will be sent home to all students in affected classes requesting you to check and, if necessary, treat your child’s hair. The ACT Health Head Lice Fact Sheet has more information.